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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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paymaster had seized germany's chancellor is in china seeing investment while trying to convince me that the euro is still stable enough to invest in. iran says it will team up with other nations to help stop the bloodshed in syria as the main day of the summit of the nonaligned movement opens and iran despite u.s. criticism. and the rebel opposition in syria will be wiped out sooner or later as president said in a t.v. interview but the insurgents you see no weaker as they continue to fight the army. of the russian capital you watching r t. the german chancellor is the latest you
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leader to beat a path to china with a huge delegation of business leaders alongside beijing offers as good a chance as any for the struggling european economy to attract the investment it needs to avoid financial catastrophe and angle merkel has become a frequent guest in china aiming to nurture a friendship with economic superpower artist peter all of her has more. i'm no stranger to china this is her sixth trip to the country since she came to power in two thousand and five and there's going to be some to big business to be talked about during this current trip it's not just politicians that are there on this visit a group of around twenty in the delegation including people like siemens and volkswagen who are all there to show that the eurozone still is a stable market to invest in but china has its own vested interest in seeing the eurozone stick together europe is china's biggest export market so there will be
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support there from beijing to keeping the monetary union together but just expect some kind words they shouldn't be any talk of cash coming forward from china to help the ailing eurozone now there is talk of a special relationship between germany and china not unsettle some people in brussels who feel a little left out when you look at the figures you can see why some nations would be feeling like they're not getting a slice of the pie trade between the two countries is set to rise to around two hundred and eighty billion dollars by the year twenty fifteen well the reason that the to make such good economic bedfellows at the moment is that germany produces the machinery needed to china's manufacturing industry germany also sees china as a growing market full day or exports since the orders have started drying up from within europe due to the people simply not having the cash to buy german goods within the european union and within the eurozone monetary union it's not all going
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to be happy families that went under merkel meet with the chinese leadership they have been some claims from german companies that there has been political interference while they're working with in china also some of the companies claiming that has been intellectual property violations from their chinese partners so will be the eurozone crisis an increasing economic ties that will top the bill when it comes to angola merkel talking to the chinese leadership but what will be underlining the meeting is the cruel fact that germany needs china far more right now than china needs germany. peter all the reporting from berlin on the meantime europe's fourth largest economy spain is reportedly considering whether to ask for another bailout catalonia known for its proud and independent attitude is now seeking over five billion euros of rescue cash from madrid spain as prime minister admitted the fact that such a wealthy region cannot read its debt financing obligations it's
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a bit problem catalonia accounts for almost a fifth of the country's economic output author of gallantry morato believes the whole situation could have been avoided. the way in which the space tax system works it goes this way. it is the central government that's called x. all the taxes have to be ninety five percent of them and then introduced to get them among the different regions. following these that integrate to the as they call it the reach of regions gets less money and the poor regions get more money so that's a load which actually gets back very a small amount of the money it keeps to the central estate and that is why they have these huge steps so what they say is that there is not really there that is the depth of the spanish the state of the debt that this financial state has decided them to have so what they want as they put it not alone not not money from all the other people's pockets but they won just more money from their
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own pockets to spend these. is now performing a very hard agenda of a study to cuts and actually bites you know all sectors of this funny economy and the problem is that it's not working it's not bringing down the deficit which is the main targets and then as i say all the aspects of spain's economy. right for more on the situation in spain where now crossing to the business desk in a township. so natasha how bad is the situation how dire is a situation in spain if catalonians who are known to be really proud in the pan people have to ask madrid for money well because of the way the spanish tax system is set up catalonia is not only spain's wealthiest region it's also its most indebted and if it's spending exceeded its revenues it was just a matter of time before it got overwhelmed by its deficit catalona is regional
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government request for money certainly boosts the chances of spain's national government requesting an additional bail out of the cell. well that indeed is a problem because spain is also doing everything possible not to ask for another bailout so how likely is that to happen well what we're seeing right now is that there's absolutely no reaction from the bond market and that's really an indication that everybody's sort of on the sidelines waiting to see what the european central bank says to all of this and of course we're going to see that in the coming days so we'll really know the answer to that question indeed thanks very much for that it will be crossing back to you later for war of business news for now though let's take a look at some of the stories that we're following for you here today iran has proposed the creation of a group of three nations to implement a cease fire in syria they would then hold three months of talks on national
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reconciliation the idea comes as the country opens the main sessions as host of the summit of the nonaligned movement and it's a blog of states that generally don't consider themselves in union with the u.s. the gathering began last sunday with one hundred twenty nations participating about two thirds of the un's members and the u.n. secretary general ban ki moon self is attending the meeting despite calls from the u.s. and israel for him to stay away at the same time a special group of inspectors has been created by the united nations to monitor iran's nuclear facilities ridas a rise of a poor over things to iran is being very courteous. the i.a.e.a. has a twenty four hour around the clock monitoring system off of facilities mr ban ki-moon can watch it from his office at the united nations so i think that is just a great courteous gesture on behalf of iran to invite him to to the facility to buy ki-moon does recognize the fact and he has said so this iran is
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a key player in the region and nothing much really can be solved you found to iran's participation now i'm sure that the united states and israel likeness to ban ki-moon to come down hard on iran but he's also aware of the fact there's two thirds of the countries that belong to the united nations are member countries of the nine aligned movement the united states state department likes to say many things and i think it's precisely because they do tend to be very aggressive in their foreign policy towards certain countries in particular although i think they have the whole goal in mind they would love to be a global vision monic power with the nonaligned movement now is one hundred percent coming together to resist this kind of aggression to resist this kind of double standards and hypocrisy and i think that's probably really thinking of the united states to this point. coming out a bit later in the program here in r t looking for traces of extremism in islamic
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russia the recent trends of two prominent muslim clerics baffle investigators trying to identify the roots of hatred. as facelift taken on literally we're reporting how the dreams of one the saudi engineer of an electric train to cosmos are growing after more real. fears battles between government forces and rebels syria's president made his longest t.v. appearance in months stressing his confidence in victory over insurgents however bashar asad admits it would take some time for the country to scramble out of crisis he lashed out at turkey's saying it bears direct responsibility for the bloodshed in syria some of the latest fighting has taken place at a military airport in the province were rebels claimed to have destroyed a group of army helicopters and this was later denied by syrian t.v. which reported the attack was repelled and the military hardware say sister agnes
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mariano spent over a decade in syria and came to aid of the suffering when the conflict erupted says the destruction is making people turn away from the rebels. bad news. you know but. it's not everywhere in syria. these days i knew by the border guards and he's following special plans but you know to come to the. foreground of which he's not on the value. and even in the cities where you have they have so much they still. what would be. if you know of for a company like it or completely destroyed that many of the opposition and begin to think. their way.
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and don't miss the full version of this interview with firsthand accounts from syria coming up here on our team in just over an hour. jordanian security forces out a massive refugee camp on the border with syria are on high alert after two hundred refugees turned on the guards over the camp's conditions as policy reports dealing with the manse and fox of refugees is far beyond what jordan can offer. exhausted and drained there's not much for these refugees to do besides sweltering under the scorching desert sun children from the violence back home in syria they walked for days in the heat to get here and so they come in numbers and under the wire not one person here has gone through the official borders in state depending on the level of violence in syria as many as a thousand people each day off across into jordan they're picked up from the border
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by the jordanian police and brought here to the scamp. and now a man doesn't know what to do with them the country is struggling with few natural resources little water and is in need of foreign aid their growing number is putting pressure on in a way the refugee way republic we can close the border on the faces of the refugees we have to help syria is like a sister to jordan and king abdullah and president assad friends now are saying is a very difficult situation goes on there has a direct impact on what has. relations between a man in damascus are already strained a number of defected soldiers and senior officers are being sheltered in the kingdom the most high profile refugee was the prime minister riyad hitch up who fled to turkey through jordan earlier this month and then that the tribes who fearing massive amounts of weapons ammunition and sniper rifles to syria from jordan saudi arabia is promising economic assistance in exchange for months cooperation but it could backfire. if there is regime change in syria and the
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extremists come to power. problems for jordan where we have our own. far more flexible. and so now jordan faces the backlash of a conflict which some in the country have helped to escalate meanwhile more than one hundred fifty thousand refugees remain stuck on its borders and what's supposed to be a safe enclave but we food is hard to come by toilets case and not enough tends to go around leaving some to the mercy of harsh desert conditions this is. the atmosphere here is so. mysterious you die quickly but here we are dying a slow death as i wish now i never left to come here. jordan narrowly escaped a wave of uprisings that's with the arab world it says it's getting reforms in place. between both sides my puppy enough to stop the syria shockwave however that
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conflict in. refugee camp on the jordanian syrian border. of course we've got plenty more for you and our website. is available twenty four seven. blasts from the past one of germany's largest cities hold its breath as authorities perform a controlled detonation of a massive bomb. how much does it take to shoot down a passenger. result of. losing it all started here. going global and.
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please. take your stuff. to. make your statement. to the world. strewn. about. the going down of the song and good morning we will remember that we were we were.
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bound for dangerous as lama groups has been fueled by the recent sasa nations of two prominent muslim clerics in russia some experts believe the roots of extremism come all the way from the middle east but others suggest the problem is much more complex and lies closer to home we're just going off investigate. the trip to work that turned to tragedy that our stance had moved he was driving when a series of blasts threw him from his car the man who's been openly against the spread of radical ideas among believers survived to find out his deputy was shot dead in another part of town investigators still don't know the exact motivation behind the attack but the spotlight is now on the other stun most people here are muslim and that gets mentioned more and more when it comes to the spread of radical
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islam in russia yes some of the local muslim communities are financed by arab families from states where lack of islam is an official religion or they got the money has to be worked off and they demand that ideology is spread here that it's. like a business is one of the most fundamental branches of islam it's strongly advocated in saudi arabia which backs it up with billions of dollars of support across the muslim world its followers often oppose all other religions sometimes even calling for jihad holy war against them but abysmal or any other radical movement of us lot of course not part of the official religion here but i thought the same different ideas often taught in small mosques hidden from the mainstream. like this one form a boiler house rebuilt into a mosque in one of gazans many apartment blocks the art it's the mom's denying being radical but admit they do not support their stance of visual branches of islam and we don't divide brother muslims and there can be no radicalism no
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terrorism these are words only used by prove a kidders who want to discredit as. we were told here believers are taught sincerely and equality and there are no longer are held in modern society look at with justice can only be achieved through islam and when someone says islam is the only fan way of life and social order they're called radical or extremist and what's the punishment for stealing the hand is. not the kind of punishment you'd find in russia's criminal court nevertheless such ideas are reportedly gaining more support among young muslims for some expose it could be partly to blame on how the list of banned extremist literature was thrown together. often books by classical world famous authors are banned or the some of prophet muhammad saying how can we expect muslims to react and of course the radicals use this to gain influence.
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of course through their stand is a long we from becoming involved by the worst of the radical islam how the state reacts to the spread of extremism is now he. could only worsen the situation you go to school of gaza i don't understand. how sick all the some other stories from around the world afghanistan's president has removed the country is the fans and interior minister as well as the intelligence chief it's said to be part of a planned calendar check up on the eve of elections and the withdrawal of foreign troops meanwhile in the south of the country it's been confirmed three nato led troops have been killed by an afghan soldier the latest in a series of so-called insider attacks. and gas explosion at a coal mine in southwest china has taken the lives of nine thousand people leaving more than forty people trapped inside the blast happened wednesday evening while one hundred fifty two miners were in the pit the owners of the mine how already been detained coal mine accidents killed almost two thousand people in china last
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year were safety rules are after neglected. that's why the twelve paralympic games have started in london after a spectacular opening ceremony which took place on wednesday the fourteenth summer paralympics will last for eleven days and it's the second largest malta sporting event ever hosted by the u.k. over four thousand athletes from one hundred sixty four countries are taking part. now ever dreamt of taking a lift straight to the moon well after over fifty years of space elevator dreams their reality is moving closer the idea is that people could someday travel in vehicles attached to ribbons of superstrong with serial to reach orbits of up to one hundred thousand kilometers dumbarton explains. as strange as it sounds the idea of a space elevator has been around for decades it was a russian yuri azza turn of who in the one nine hundred sixty s.
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had some of the first modern ideas on it first you would have to send a satellite up into geostationary orbit then a line could be lowered and secured to earth and another one up into space as a counterweight all of this would keep the line tight and allow spacecraft to be lowered up and down it at thousands of kilometers an hour and at the fraction of the cost of space flight it could literally be our lift to the stars and it's not as far off as you might think most of the technology already exists the biggest problem being that cable reaching out into space to make one strong enough to stretch the thirty six thousand kilometers necessary scientists think you'd need a material over thirty mega yury strong that's the measurement named after yuri arts the turn of the strongest material available now is just three point nine but new projects are trying to solve that science problem and make the space elevator a reality they want it to reach the moon the american company live port is raising money for the project and the japanese firm corp aims to have one up and running by
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two thousand and fifty in the meantime russia is working with ukraine and kazakstan to try and build super sized booster rockets for more traditional trips to the moon but who knows by the middle of the century we might have swapped iraq it's for a distant cousin of the humble lift. and time now for the business news was natasha animals who motor show has seen a debut for some electric cars so is now in times of plugin yet well absolutely finally the russians are showing a growing awareness no leave of the environmental benefits of owning eco friendly cars but also of you know economic benefits as well all the details in just a couple minutes but first let's go to our top story gazprom has decided to pull out of stockmen stock when with its enormous reserves that is enough to meet the world's demand for gas for about a year was gallons problems flying ship project but now the monopolist and its
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partners believe that the development costs away too high considering that gas prices are falling gallons problem from took tal and norway's stadol well have been in talks for years over the details of the investment plan during that time the united states states which was the primary export market for stockmen developed cheap shale gas plus slowing european economy affected gas to me i'm making russia caught it's gallons act towards by about ten percent now moving on to the equity markets first to asia as you can see the picture there is why it's negative by should say in tokyo the nikkei is down around one percent meanwhile the on weaker than expected retail numbers hong kong's hang seng is see even deeper the losses a lot of investors are on the sidelines really waiting for the much anticipated
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friday's speech by the u.s. fed reserve chairman ben bernanke on wall street overnight we saw a pretty different picture moderately all beaches held the day went traders really welcomed the commerce department who buys in the u.s. g.d.p. annual growth rate all poured and the so-called big. book also showed the steady expansion of the u.s. economy on the currency market out the moment the euro is gaining ever so slightly to the dollar and the russian ruble ended wednesday's session down to the currency basket will have crushed the ruble figures as soon as the russian markets reopen in less than one hour so i'm here in russia's very banks gaze on the back of better than expected first results didn't help a lift the russian equities out of the gutter they were lower on wednesday and balling world prices were certainly a stock term and the oil continues its slide on thursday as hurricane isaac spared
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the u.s. production facilities and we also recently saw that the u.s. inventories are on the rise the w g i's this hour has slipped below ninety five dollars a barrel as you can see also the g. seven finance ministers made a plea to the world producing countries to will work crude prices to help kick start the global economic growth will see in the coming days if that really is working growing pollution crude price uncertainty and environmental awareness are all the factors that are pushing electric vehicles to become the next generation of eco friendly cars on the road business artie's very own katie pilbeam reports from the moscow international auto show. one of the main things up to date old is that ecologically friendly and big bold make it a puppet with the base it will eat up lots of people that will lead to plate and
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need a lot of the kids if you want to buy it and that you copied multitalented to deal with it you go all the love bob hope that nobody is cutting a chance to actually charge you'll big coal the place that was just a mind i'm now joined by let's say that i got a problem is that they see my sister like you know i dislike a lot of talented people overcome them one thing is that all the shit about buying an electric car here must set it really willing to give it a while i just sat. looking seriously at the sole. cause that this. one was the timeline the slip simply was. weak compared with the regular car that was. the last couple of. months that you put
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that list so just simply quit to get time to see everyone climbing around it can follow up the bulk of that they must stop it lists. that. were sent to the still cars the. very optimistic indeed i think above that it's very hard to deny that it's certainly a good to be great. poll saving twenty five to thirty percent on your fuel costs is actually quite significant don't you think but you know why it kind of balances itself up was the price of a car because these cars are quite expensive actually more expensive than the regular ones well remains to be seen interesting invention though and of course some analysts predict that over the next decade twenty percent and they will take twenty percent of the world market so interesting to see how it all pans out all right thanks very much indeed for this
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a recap of our top stories and an interview with two of the world's most famous boxing champions coming your way in just a few seconds. she good leverage sure to make her move was to build a new leads most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tunes mission to teach creation why it should care about
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human to. fish is why you should care only on the dog. dreaming of a luxury used seem roundtrip with the open air entertainments. a little bit of exercise to get in better shape. and cuisine with all my healthy ingredients. in this case something to me mum of our summer sales on our cheek.


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